Benefice of Seaview, St Helens, Brading & Yaverland
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Drawing of Christmas Angel Facing Right

St Helens with Seaview

Pew News

Depiction of Mary and Jospeh arriving at Bethlehem

Please click here for details of our
Advent and Christmas services

The website:
  • NB During the vacancy the Vicarage phone line is still open but calls to this number are being diverted to the Parish Administrator.

Sunday 17th December Third Sunday of Advent
St Helen8.00am Holy Communion
St Peter10.00am Nine Lessons & Carols
St Helens Community Centre6.00pm Village Carols

Tuesday 19th December
St Helen6.00pm Nine Lessons and Carols

Wednesday 20th December
St Catherine9.30am Village Communion

Friday 22nd December
St Peter7.00pm Carols Round the Tree

Sunday 24th December Fourth Sunday of Advent / Christmas Eve
St Peter8.00am Holy Communion
St Peter3.30pm Crib & Christingle Service
St Catherine6.00pm Carol Service
St Peter11.30pm Midnight Eucharist
St Helen11.30pm Midnight Eucharist

Monday 25th December Christmas Day
St Catherine9.00am Christmas Communion
St Helen10.00am All Age Christmas Communion
St Peter10.00am All Age Christmas Praise
[Non Eucharistic Service]

Morning Prayer
The office of Morning Prayer will be said in the Churches as follows:-
Mon. St Helen's 9.00am
Tues. St Peter's 9.00am
Wed. St Catherine's 9.00am
Thurs. St Peter's 9.00am
Fri. St Helen's 9.00am
All are welcome at these services.
NBThese services will be held up to and including Friday 22nd December. There will then be a break over Christmas and the New Year, with the services resuming on Monday 8th January.

Readings for 24th December Fourth Sunday of Advent / Christmas Eve
2 Samuel 7.1-11,16
Psalm 89.1-4,19-26
Romans 16.25-end
Luke 1.26-38


Worldwide Anglican Church:
Pray for Archbishop Justin Welby; the people of Wyoming USA
This Diocese: Pray for Bishop Christopher; Archdeacon Peter; the Rural Dean Allie Kerr; the Parishes of The Haven Churches, Brading & Yaverland whilst awaiting our new Priest; St Lawrence & Wroxall
World: Let us pray for peace in our world this Christmas
Island: Pray for the homeless this Christmas
Sick: Terry & Barbara, Anne, Annie, David, Lynn, Hilary
Recently Died: Jermima Norman

All who suffer as a result of natural disasters, or as a result of acts of terrorism, violence or armed conflict.
Our armed forces and their families, and all who work in the emergency services.

Mothers' Union Prayers
As we wait with wonder and expectation the coming anew of our Messiah, may the mystery of divine truths be revealed to us, and to all who seek the Lord.

Diary Dates
14th Dec 12.00noon St Helens Community Carol Singing
18th Dec 10.30am Bible Study / House Group at Sylvia's
19th Dec 6.00pm Nine Lessons & Carols in St Helen's Church
20th Dec 10.00am St Helens School Carol Service in St Helen's Church
21st Dec 9.30am Nettlestone School Carol Service St Peter's
22nd Dec 7.00pm Carols round the tree in St Peter's Church

Pompey Chimes
Don't forget to pick up a copy, or click here.

Pew Leaflets
Items for the pew leaflet to Sue Whitewick by Wednesday 5.00pm latest, please, preferably by e-mail susanwhitewick(at)btinternet(dot)com.

This is the last Sunday that we will be having a Traidcraft stall after Church. Christmas cards are still available. Thank you to everyone who has supported the sale of the Traidcraft cards etc over the Christmas period. We have been able to put £5.00 into the church account as a result. Although there will no longer be a regular Traidcraft stall, goods will still be available by ordering from the catalogue. Please contact Sylvia

Bible Study
This group will be meeting on Monday 18th December at Sylvia's. We will be continuing the four week Advent course "So what are we waiting for?". Everyone is welcome to join us for the whole course or individual sessions which stand alone. This will be the last session until after Christmas, but they will resume on Monday 8th January.

St Helens Community Carol Singing
On the green. The Jazztones will be playing some favourite Christmas Carols for us to sing along to, by the Christmas Tree on the green [or in the shelter by the Nativity, opposite the Vine Inn, if wet]. Come along and join us on Thursday 14th December at 12.00noon as we celebrate Christmas, and enjoy a glass of mulled wine and mince pies

Further to the interview process over 20th - 22nd November, we are pleased to announce that the new Priest-in-Charge of St Helens, Seaview, Brading & Yaverland will be the Revd. Alison Morley, who is currently Priest-in-Charge of the Upper Wylye Benefice in the Diocese of Salisbury. Revd Alison Morley currently has pastoral oversight of eight parishes and works with a large team of clergy and lay people. The arrangements for licensing will be announced as soon as possible.

Pew News 10 December 2017

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