Benefice of Seaview, St Helens, Brading & Yaverland
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St Helens with Seaview

Pew News

The website:
  • NB During the vacancy the Vicarage phone line is still open but calls to this number are being diverted to the Parish Administrator.

Sunday 28th January The Presentation of Christ in the Temple (Candlemass)
St Peter8.00am Holy Communion
St Helen10.00am Sung Eucharist
St Helen10.00am Children's Church

Wednesday 31st January
St Catherine9.30am Holy Communion

Sunday 4th February The Second Sunday before Lent
St Helen8.00am Holy Communion
St Peter10.00am Sung Eucharist
St Peter10.00am Children's Church

Morning Prayer
The office of Morning Prayer will be said in the Churches as follows:-
Mon. St Helen's 9.00am
Tues. St Peter's 9.00am
Wed. St Catherine's 9.00am
Thurs. St Peter's 9.00am
Fri. St Helen's 9.00am
All are welcome at these services.

Readings for 4th February The Second Sunday before Lent
Proverbs 8.1,22-31
Psalm 104.26-end
Colossians 1.15-20
John 1.1-14


Worldwide Anglican Church:
Pray for Archbishop Justin Welby; The Anglican Episcopal Church of Brazil
This Diocese: Pray for Bishop Christopher; Archdeacon Peter; the Rural Dean Allie Kerr; the Parishes of The Haven Churches, Brading & Yaverland whilst awaiting our new Priest; Binstead & Havenstreet
World: Pray for all those whose homes have been demolished in floods, fires and gales
Island: On this Homeless Sunday, let us pray for all those living on the streets
Sick: Terry & Barbara, Anne, Annie

All who suffer as a result of natural disasters, or as a result of acts of terrorism, violence or armed conflict.
Our armed forces and their families, and all who work in the emergency services.

Mothers' Union Prayers
We pray for all who have material riches of house and home, and yet who are spiritually homeless....... Heavenly Father, show them the path to your holy dwelling, that they, with us, may know the joy of living in the house of the Lord forever.

Diary Dates
29th Jan 10.30am Bible Study / House Group at Sylvia's
29thJan 7.00pm St Peter's PCC
2nd Feb 2.00pm Bereavement Support Group St Peter's Hall
7th Feb 9.30am St Peter's Church Gardening

Pew Leaflets
Items for the pew leaflet to Sue Whitewick by Wednesday 5.00pm latest, please, preferably by e-mail susanwhitewick(at)btinternet(dot)com.

Bible Study
This group will meet on Monday 29th January at Sylvia's.

We have now received notice that the licensing of the Revd Alison Morley will take place on Sunday 15th April at 4.00pm. The venue is yet to be announced, but please make a note of this important date in your diary and remember Alison and her family in your prayers as they prepare to move to the Isle of Wight.

Annual General Meeting Reports
Yes, it's time to start thinking of these reports again. Those of you who do these reports, please send them to Sue as a PDF or on a memory stick. Your reports should only cover events up to the 31st December 2017. Anything after this date will be included in the 2018 reports. The deadline is 28th February.

A box of batteries has gone missing from the organ vestry at St Peter's over the Christmas / New Year period. If anyone has seen these please let Sylvia know.

St Peter's Unlocking and Locking
We are looking for more people to be part of the team to help with this on a weekly basis. If anyone can help with this, opening at 9.00am and closing at 4.00pm [timings are flexible] please add your name to the rota on the church notice board in the porch.

St Peter's Church Coffee Morning
Thank you to everyone who helped with this event in any way. The total of £226.60 was raised for the fabric fund. The next coffee morning at St Peter's is on Saturday 17th February from 10.00 - 12.00. If you can help in any way please let Sylvia know.

Pew News 21 January 2018

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