Benefice of Seaview, St Helens, Brading & Yaverland
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St Helens with Seaview

Pew News

Holy Week and Easter Services

The website:
  • NB During the vacancy the Vicarage phone line is still open but calls to this number are being diverted to the Parish Administrator.

Sunday 18th March The Fifth Sunday of Lent
St Helen8.00am Holy Communion
St Peter10.00am Sung Eucharist
St Catherine6.00pm Evening Praise

Wednesday 21st March
St Catherine9.30am Holy Communion

Sunday 25th March Palm Sunday
St Peter8.00am Holy Communion
Kerry Fields,
9.45am Procession of the Palms
to St Helen's from
St Helen10.00am Sung Eucharist

Morning Prayer
The office of Morning Prayer will be said in the Churches as follows:-
Mon. St Helen's 9.00am
Tues. St Peter's 9.00am
Wed. St Catherine's 9.00am
Thurs. St Peter's 9.00am
Fri. St Helen's 9.00am
All are welcome at these services.

Readings for 25th March Palm Sunday
Liturgy of the Palms
Mark 11.1-11
Psalm 118.1-2,19-24
Liturgy of the Passion
Isaiah 50.4-9a
Philippians 2.5-11
Mark 15.1-end


Worldwide Anglican Church:
Pray for Archbishop Justin Welby; The Hong Kong Anglican Church
This Diocese: Pray for Bishop Christopher; Archdeacon Peter; the Rural Dean Allie Kerr; the Parishes of The Haven Churches, Brading & Yaverland whilst awaiting our new Priest; St Mary & Holy Trinity, Cowes
World: We pray for all carers to the sick and infirm
Island: We pray for our families, our friends, our neighbours and our local community
Sick: Terry & Barbara, Anne, Brian
Recently Died: Linda Turner

All who suffer as a result of natural disasters, or as a result of acts of terrorism, violence or armed conflict.
Our armed forces and their families, and all who work in the emergency services.

Mothers' Union Prayers
Heavenly Father, we long for the day when all nations will truly be united, sharing the same values of justice and dignity for all. In your mercy, Lord, hear our prayer.

Diary Dates
19th Mar 10.30am Bible Study / House Group at Sylvia's
19th Mar 2.15pm at the Crematorium Funeral of Linda Turner
24th Mar 10.00am St Peter's coffee morning in the hall
24th Mar 10.00am St Helen's Community Coffee Morning / Lent Lunch details below

Pew Leaflets
Items for the pew leaflet to Sue Whitewick by Wednesday 5.00pm latest, please, preferably by e-mail susanwhitewick(at)btinternet(dot)com.

Bible Study / Lent Course
The Lent course for this year began on Monday 12th February and will continue through until Monday 19th March. There will then be a break until 9th April, when the group will resume at Sylvia's.

We have now received notice that the licensing of the Revd Alison Morley will take place on Sunday 15th April at 4.00pm. The venue is St Mary the Virgin, Brading. All are very welcome to this service.

St Helens Community Coffee Morning / Lent Lunch
Saturday 24th March in St Helens Community Centre from 10.00am - 2.00pm.
Lent Lunch from 12.00noon of soup and cheese in aid of the Bishop's Lent Appeal, this year going to Christian Aid.

Mothers’ Union Events
Knit and Natter will be on Tuesday 20th March. Come and join us for a relaxing afternoon of chatter and craft with tea and biscuits.

St Peter’s Coffee Morning
Come and join us for a morning of friendship and chat in St Peter’s Hall on Saturday 24th March beginning at 10.00. All the usual stalls - books tombola cakes and a raffle. We look forward to seeing you there.

The Late Penelope Simpson
After the 10.00am Easter Day Eucharist at St Helen’s Church there will be a short service to dedicate a bench which Penelope’s family have given in her memory, and will be sited outside the main door of the church. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Pew News 11 March 2018

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