Benefice of Seaview, St Helens, Brading & Yaverland
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Seaview, St Helens, Brading & Yaverland

Providing a Spiritual Harbour for ALL
SUNDAY 12th September 2021

Rev Ali Morley
01983 565975 / 07500 007437

The Vicar’s day off is Monday. Any communications received by Ali on that day will not be dealt with until Tuesdays.

Associate Priest
Rev Barry Downer 01983 867150

Lay Reader and Local Minister, Seaview
Sylvia Beardsmore 01983 612600

Benefice Administrator
Sue Whitewick 01983 568761

Please consult our Service Calendar for the most up-to-date information.

Sunday 12th September 2021 Trinity 15
St Helen's9.30am Sung Eucharist
[Revd B Downer]
St John's11.00am Sung Eucharist
[Revd B Downer]

Tuesday 14th September 2021 Holy Cross
St John's5.00pm Holy Communion
[Revd B Downer]

Wednesday 15th September 2021
St Mary's'10.00am Morning Service
[Revd A Morley]

Sunday 19th September 2021 Trinity 16
St Peter's8.30am BCP Communion
[Revd A Morley]
St Mary's9.30am Sung Eucharist
[Revd B Downer]

Morning Prayer
The office of Morning Prayer will be said in the Churches as follows:-
Mon. St Helen's 9.00am
Tues. St Peter's 9.00am
Wed. St Catherine's 9.00am
Thurs. St Peter's 9.00am
Fri. St Helen's 9.00am
All are welcome at these services.

Readings for Sunday 12th September 2021
Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity

Proverbs 1.20-33
Psalm 116.1-8
James 3.1-12
Mark 8.27-end

Readings for Sunday 19th September 2021
Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity

Proverbs 31.10-end
Psalm 54
James 3.13–4.3,7-8a
Mark 9.30-37

Worldwide Anglican Church:
  Pray for Archbishop Justin Welby and for The Anglican Church of Tanzania
This Diocese:  Pray for the Commissary Bishop Rob; Archdeacon Peter; Area Dean Stephen; Associate Area Deans Amanda, Susan & Hugh; our benefice Vicars Alison & Barry; the Parishes of Binstead & Havenstreet
World:  As the lockdown restrictions are lifted we pray for the people of the world as they all try to rebuild their lives.
The people of Afghanistan.
Island:  We pray for all schools, colleges, universities and for the pupils as they return for the new academic year.

Sick:  David Marrow, Judith & Miles Clarke, Pat & Slim Whiteland, Lottie Rann, Tony Hegerty, Anne Cotterell

We pray for all who suffer as a result of natural disasters, acts of terrorism, violence or armed conflict; for our armed forces and their families, and all who work in the emergency services.

Thought for the Week
Seedtime & Harvest

Loving Lord, we pray for the work of Mothers’ Union throughout the world to sow seeds of hope in those whose lives are full of despair. Then may we be ready to reap a harvest of hope in individuals, families and communities.

St Mary’s Market
The market is open every Wednesday and Saturday 10.30am - 3.30pm in St Mary’s church hall. Please come and have a browse, you might find just the thing you have been looking for.

St Peter's Church Gardening
This happens every Tuesday from 9.30am. If you would like to help in any way please turn up, you would be most welcome.
Please bring your own tools.

St Helen’s Churchyard
Everyone is very welcome to go into the churchyard, but PLEASE take your rubbish home with you. We are finding water bottles, drinks cans, crisp packets etc, just left where they fall. Someone has to pick them up and dispose of them off site, as there is no bin collection. Please help us keep this a place of tranquillity and beauty, and respect for our loved ones buried there.

Rubbish at St Peter’s
Just to remind everybody. . . ...Flowers and green waste should go in the BROWN bin: disposable cups, including those used in church on Sunday’s should go in the GREEN bin, all other rubbish in the BLACK bin. Thank you

Friends of St Helen's
This is now up and running. A bank account is now open and donations to this fund are very welcome. All money received will be put to the fabric and restoration of St Helen’s Church. Please speak to Jim Proctor for more details.

Ride & Stride
On Saturday llth September our churches will be open between 10.00am and 6.00pm to welcome visitors needing a brief respite as they travel the island on foot, bicycle or car. It is hoped for someone to be in St Helen’s church on an hourly basis to welcome visitors and to offer refreshment. 8 hours to be manned of which 4 people have offered their time. If you can offer one hour on that day, please speak to Sue or telephone 01983 568761. Thank you.
St Peter’s will also be open and if you can offer any help, the same as for St Helen’s, please contact Sylvia on 612600.
Please click here for an article on Ride & Stride in the September 2021 edition of Benefice News.

Diary dates for Brading
Saturday l8th September. 10.00am Visiting bell ringers at St Mary’s
Monday 18th October. 09.30am Visiting bell ringers at St Mary’s
Friday lst October. 19.00 Quiz night at the Broadway Centre Sandown. Contact Nigel for details
Provisional date Saturday 23rd October at 14.00.
Jumble sale at Brading Town Hall. Contact Nigel for details. Jumble items needed..

Benefice Book Group
The book “Stories we tell ourselves” provoked an enjoyable, interesting and wide ranging discussion. The next book is “The Humble Church” by Martyn Percy. The meeting will be on Friday 5th November at 2.00pm in St Catherine’s Chapel, St Helens. All are Welcome. Any questions please contact Catherine Davis [daviscath3(at)aol(dot)com].

Pew News 5 September 2021

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