Seaview, St Helens, Brading & Yaverland
Providing a Spiritual Harbour for ALL
Sunday 14th April 2024
Upcoming Worship
Saturday 13th April 2024
St Helen'sBaptism
Sunday 14th April 2024
St Helen's9.30am Sung Eucharist followed by APCM
St John's11.00am Sung Eucharist
St Peter's11.15am Matins
Tuesday 16th April 2024
St Catherine's10.00am Morning Worship
Wednesday 17th April
St Mary's10.00am Morning Reflection
Sunday 21st April 2024
St Mary's9.30am Sung Eucharist
followed by APCM
St Peter's10.00am APCM followed by
11.15am Sung Eucharist
Wednesday 24th April
St Mary's10.00am Morning Reflection
Sunday 28th March 2024
St Helen's10.00am Benefice service of Holy Communion led by Bishop Jonathan followed by a buffet lunch
Wednesday 1st May
St Mary's10.00am Morning Reflection
Sunday 5th May 2024
St Mary's9.30am Sung Eucharist
St Peter's11.15am Sung Eucharist
St Catherine's6.00pm Evening Worship
During the Interregnum the primary points of contact for enquiries are:
Haven Benefice
Sally Rivlin on 07789 554220
St Helens (including St Catherine's)
Sue Whitewck on 01983 568761
St Peter’s Seaview or Pastoral visiting or Seaview and St Helen’s Mothers' Union or Safeguarding
Sylvia Beardsmore on 01983 612600
St Mary’s Brading
Nigel Elton Walters on 01983 406817
St John’s Yaverland
Kevin Norton on 07951 407423
Please click here for a news update from St Helens PCC on the exciting things happening in our benefice!
click here for our Parish Profile as mentioned in the update.
On Saturday 13th April we welcome Persephone and her family and friends for her baptism at St Helen’s. Do please keep her in your prayers.
Thank you to everyone who supported the Lent lunches in any way at St Peter’s, which raised £1000 to be split between the repair of the church hall windows and a stand pipe to provide clean water in Rita’s village in Liberia.
Thank you to all who helped at St Mary's jumble sale last Saturday, which raised £356 for church funds.
There are Food Bank collection boxes in St Mary’s and St Peter’s Churches and the Community Fridge food waste Project at St Helens Community Centre. If you are in need of food or other essential items please see Sylvia or Rev Bevaly.
The Brading Bellringers are holding a house clearance sale at 3, Queens Drive Brading on Saturday 13th April starting at 10.30am. Lots of books, ornaments, collectable mugs, crockery, cutlery, bookcases and other furniture. All proceeds are for the bell restoration fund.
Come and sing Choral Evensong at St George's Church, Arreton, on Tuesday 23rd April (St George's Day). The Service is at 7.00pm with a Practice at 6pm. Anyone who loves singing this ancient service, in a lovely ancient church is welcome. The Magnificat, Nunc Dimittis and Psalm 23 will be sung to simple chants and the Anthem is, 'All in the April Evening' by Hugh Robertson. If you are interested, please contact Coral Bratherton, Secretary to IOWOA on 01983 865736 or email johnbratherton65(at)gmail(dot)com.
Peter Gowers, a qualified health and safety trainer, will be doing a session on Food hygiene on Monday 15th April from 1.00-5.00pm in the Undercroft at St Peter’s church. Anyone wishing to take advantage of this opportunity should contact Sylvia Beardsmore.
On Wednesday 17th April the Old Fort in Seaview, will be hosting their popular quiz night in aid of St Peter’s church, starting at 8.00pm. Please do support them and us. It is essential people book - you do not have to come as a team as these can be made up on the night. The cost is £2.50 per person, but you don't have to dine there. To book a place call 01983 612363. It would be wonderful to have at least one benefice team.
There is also a Quiz Night at St Mary’s Brading on Friday 26th April, which is a fund raiser for Jane Morris for her possible trip with the Methodist Mission to Zambia.
Variety Music Hall – Saturday April 27th at 7:30pm for curtain-up, in the Masonic Hall, Fairy Rd, Seaview.
A Musical & Recitational Extravaganza featuring talent from around the Island!
An extraordinary evening, elucidating edification and enlightenment, to engage and excite you.
Tickets Suki(dot)turner(at)icloud(dot)com.
Raising funds for St Peter’s Church and our Community Partnership.
Bishop Jonathan is visiting the Haven Benefice on Sunday 28th April where he will be preaching and presiding at the Sung Eucharist at 10.00am at St Helen's. This will be followed by a buffet lunch for everyone. If you are able to contribute to this buffet please contact Sylvia Beardsmore ASAP to enable us to plan more effectively. Thanks.
‘St Helen’s Church will be holding a bottle tombola on the green at the St Helens Village Fayre on Sunday, 9th June. Any donations of bottles will be most gratefully received. Anything from vinegar to Whisky, liquid soap to wine, ketchup to children’s drinks - all most gratefully received as long as they are in date and unopened. With many thanks in advance – Rose Gillett.’
Do check out and like our new Facebook page: Haven Churches IOW for all our most up to date news.
To add items to this News Sheet please contact Rev Bevaly Rackett (01983 407432) revbevrackett(at)gmail(dot)com.