Seaview, St Helens, Brading & Yaverland
Providing a Spiritual Harbour for ALL
Sunday 5th May 2024
Upcoming Worship
Sunday 5th May 2024
St Mary's9.30am Sung Eucharist
St Peter's11.15am Sung Eucharist
St Catherine's6.00pm Evening Worship
Tuesday 7th May
St Catherine's10.00am Morning Worship
Wednesday 8th May
St Mary's10.00am Morning Reflection
Thursday 9th May- Ascension Day
Old Church,9.00am Holy Communion
St Helen's Duverfollowed by breakfast
in the nearby cafe
Sunday 12th May 2024
St Helen's9.30am Sung Eucharist
St John's11.00am Sung Eucharist
St Peter's11.15am Matins
Wednesday 15th May
St Mary's10.00am Morning Reflection
Sunday 19th May 2024 - Whit Sunday
St Mary's9.30am Sung Eucharist
St Peter's11.15am Sung Eucharist
Tuesday 21st May
St Catherine's10.00am Morning Worship
Wednesday 22nd May
St Mary's10.00am Morning Reflection
Saturday 25th May
St Peter's,Baptism of Tilly Marks
Sunday 26th May 2024
St Helen's9.30am Sung Eucharist
St John's11.00am Sung Eucharist
St Peter's11.15am Matins
St Helen's3.30pm Eco Church
For enquiries during the Interregnum please contact:
Haven Benefice
Sally Rivlin on 07789 554220
St Helens (including St Catherine's)
Sue Whitewck on 01983 568761
St Peter’s Seaview or Safeguarding
Sylvia Beardsmore on 01983 612600
St Mary’s Brading
Nigel Elton Walters on 01983 406817
St Mary's Safeguarding
Catherine Davis on 07940 826034
St John’s Yaverland
Kevin Norton on 07951 407423
Curate at Haven Benefice
Rev Bevaly Rackett on 01983 407432
Please click here for a news update from St Helens PCC on the exciting things happening in our benefice!
click here for our Parish Profile as mentioned in the update.
There are Food Bank collection boxes in St Mary’s and St Peter’s Churches and the Community Fridge food waste Project at St Helens Community Centre. If you are in need of food or other essential items please see Sylvia or Rev Bevaly.
The Together in Prayer group meets on Zoom each Thursday from 6.30pm to pray for the world, the church and each other. For the Zoom code or to be prayed for please email revbevrackett(at)gmail(dot)com.
Many thanks to everyone who contributed to the service and lunch last week. It was lovely to get together for such a joyous occasion, to have a full choir, to listen to Bishop Jonathan preach and to see the sun shining!
Leaflets giving information about the 'Friends of St Helen's Church' and the 'Friends of St Mary's Church, Brading' are available in these churches. Both organisations are committed to ensuring that these historic church buildings are maintained, improved and beautified, for the benefit of all who wish to worship in them and visit them, now and in future years.
St Peter’s are holding their flower festival from May 4th-6th from 10.00am-4.00pm each day in the church and as extension to the Seaview and Nettlestone May Fayre will be holding a Garden Fete on Monday May 6th from 10.00am -4.00pm. The MU will be serving tea and cakes in the Undercroft, there will be garden themed stalls in the church garden with homemade lemonade and the RNLI and a bottle stall. Do come and support us.
Saturday 11th May, starting at 10.30am. As part of the IOW Walking Festival please join us for a family and dog friendly Walk for Christian Aid led by Lesley Attrill from St Mary’s Church, Brading, across the marshes to St Helens, over to the bottom of Culver Downs and back for refreshments. The walk is around 5 miles (2.5 hours) with lots of wildlife to see. Donations to Christian Aid can be made on the day or in St Mary’s on Sunday morning.
St Mary’s have the second of their Plant Sales on Saturday 18th May from 10.30am in the church hall. There will be refreshments, and all things plant related! Everyone welcome. Many thanks to all who contributed to the first one on Saturday 4th May.
St Helen’s Church are holding a bottle tombola at the St Helens Village Fayre on Sunday, 9th June. Donations of bottles, from vinegar to whisky, liquid soap to wine, ketchup to children’s drinks will be most gratefully received as long as they are in date and unopened. Donations to Rose Gillett, thanks.
The IOW Street Pastors would like donations for the IOW festival – lollipops, small bottles of water, wrapped chocolates or sweets, first aid items, money and prayer. See posters or Rev Bev for info on how/where to donate
Do check out and like our new Facebook page: Haven Churches IOW for all our most up to date news.
To add items to this News Sheet please contact Rev Bevaly Rackett (01983 407432) revbevrackett(at)gmail(dot)com.