St Helens with Seaview
Pew News
The website:
SUNDAY 28th June Fourth Sunday after Trinity
Monday 29th June
Wednesday 1st July
Sunday 5th July
Morning Prayer
The office of Morning Prayer, led by the Revd Robert Wynford-Harris, will be said in the Churches as follows:-
Mon. St Helen's 9.30am
Tues. St Peter's 9.30am
Wed. St Helen's 8.00am
Thurs. St Peter's 9.30am
Anyone is very welcome to join Rob at these services.
5th July Fifth Sunday after Trinity
Ezekiel 2. 1-5
2 Corinthians 12. 2-10
Mark 6. 1-13
The duty rota is displayed on the notice
board at both churches. If you are unable to fulfil the scheduled
task please swap with another and please inform
Sylvia Beardsmore.
Worldwide Anglican Church:
Pray for Archbishop Justin Welby; Pray for Osaka [Japan]
This Diocese: Pray for
Bishop Christopher; Archdeacon Peter; The parish of St. James, Ryde
World: Pray for those who are persecuted for their faith
Island: Pray for all farmers that the harvest will be fruitful
Peggy, Barbara & Terry, Anne, Penelope, Stan, Janice, Bobby
All who suffer as a result of natural disasters,
or as a result of acts of terrorism, violence or armed
Our armed forces and their families.
The command that Christ has given us is this:
whoever loves God must love others also.
(1 John 4:21)
Lord, help us to love not just in word but in meaningful action. Amen
29th June 6.30pm St. Peter's. Holy Communion for St. Peter's Patronal
1st July 2.00pm Seagrove
Seniors Social Club
4th July 2.00-4.00pm Garden party in the Vicarage garden
7th July 9.30am Pastoral Prayer Group St Catherine's Chapel
11th July 2.30pm Junior Choir Concert in St. Peter's Church
12th July 12.30pm Sea Sunday Service. The Old Church, St Helens
Pompey Chimes
Don't forget to pick up
a copy, or click
Vicarage Garden Party
Garden Party in the Vicarage
Garden 2.00pm - 4.00pm on Saturday 4th July. This will incorporate
fund raising stalls for the junior choir outing which was previously
held at the home of John & Molly each year. Please stagger timing and bring your own chair.
Pew Leaflets
Items for the pew leaflet to Sue Whitewick by Wednesday 5.00pm
latest, please, preferably by e-mail susanwhitewick(at)btinternet(dot)com.
St Helen's & St. Peter's Choir
are looking for a new choir director. If you know of any one
that might be interested in taking this on, please let Rob or
John know. We would also welcome new members to the choir, especially
altos, tenors and basses. It would be helpful if you could read
music but not essential.
Bible Study
The weekly Bible Studies
continue on Tuesday mornings and are currently using Table Talk,
enabling us to discuss freely issues of faith, life and morality.
Each session stands alone so please feel free to give us a try.
No meeting on 7th July.
Mothers' Union
Summer and the Church
Fete are The Mothers' Union would welcome
items for their tombola stall. A box will be inside the porch
at St. Peter's or let Dee, Molly, or Sylvia have your contribution.
With grateful thanks.
Organ Recital
Our thanks go to Luke Hayden for a wonderful organ recital in St. Helen's Church last Saturday.
Thank you also to those who prepared the refreshments afterwards.
It was a lovely evening, enjoyed by all who came. The total now raised with extra
donations after the event is £363.00, for Church funds.
St Peter's Church Gardeners
Just a reminder that church gardeners will be meeting at 9.30am on Thursday 2nd July.
Any helpers very welcome.
Junior Choir Concert
The annual junior choir concert will take
place on Saturday July 11th at 2.30pm in St. Peter's Church in aid of their annual choir
outing. Please come along and support the children who have been working hard to prepare
for this event.
St. Peter's Patronal
There will be an evening Holy Communion at 6.30pm
in St Peter's Church on Monday 29th June for St Peter's Patronal Festival.