St Helens with Seaview
Pew News
The website: www.havenchurches.org.uk
SUNDAY 20th December 4th Sunday of Advent
Tuesday 22nd December
Wednesday 23rd December
Thursday 24th December Christmas Eve
Fiday 25th December Christmas Day
Sunday 27th December St John Apostle & Evangelist
Morning Prayer
The office of Morning Prayer, led by the Revd Robert Wynford-Harris, will be said in the Churches as follows:-
Mon. St Helen's 9.30am
Tues. St Peter's 9.30am
Wed. St Helen's 8.00am
Thurs. St Peter's 9.30am
Anyone is very welcome to join Rob at these services.
NB These services are suspended from Thur 24th Dec until Mon 4th Jan.
27th December St John Apostle & Evangelist
Exodus 33. 7-11a
1 John Chapter 1
John 21. 19b-end
The duty rota is displayed on the notice
board at both churches. If you are unable to fulfil the scheduled
task please swap with another and please inform
Sylvia Beardsmore.
Worldwide Anglican Church:
Pray for Archbishop Justin Welby and the people of Yewa (formerly Egbado) [Lagos, Nigeria]
This Diocese: Pray for
Bishop Christopher; Archdeacon Peter; The Parish of Niton & Whitwell
World: Let us pray for all those who are without hope, that the light of Christ may shine in their lives this Christmastide.
Island: We pray for all who will be spending Christmas in hospital or the hospice, for the lost, the bereaved and the lonely
Peggy, Terry, Anne, Penelope, Violet, James, Nicholas
All who suffer as a result of natural disasters,
or as a result of acts of terrorism, violence or armed
Our armed forces and their families.
"A Saviour has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you; you will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger."(Luke 2.11-12)
Dec 20th 4.00pm Carols at High SalternsDec 20th 6.00pm Carols at the Community Centre
Dec 22nd 6.00pm Nine Lesson and Carols St Helen's Church
Dec 23rd 7.00pm Carols around the tree St Peter's Church
Dec 24th 3.00pm Christingle & Crib Service St Peter's Church
Pompey Chimes
Don't forget to pick up a copy, or click
Pew Leaflets
Items for the pew leaflet to Sue Whitewick by Tuesday [this week only] 5.00pm
latest, please, preferably by e-mail susanwhitewick(at)btinternet(dot)com.
Evening Praise
These services are held at 6.00pm on the third Sunday of every month in St Catherine's Chapel, except on Sunday 20th December when there will be Community Carols in the Community Centre at that time.
Parish Giving Scheme
I hope many of you will have seen the article in the Parish Magazine. The Parish Giving Scheme has now been launched in both churches. There are spare packs for anyone who might like to donate in the future.
If you haven't joined yet it is not too late to do so. This is a sure way of helping with the cash flow. Please consider what you give carefully, we need every penny we can get to keep St Helen's Church open and running. Sue
Flower Arrangers
Jane Clarke would be very pleased to hear from anybody who would like to join those who help to do flower arrangements in
St Helen's Church.
Deanery of the Isle of Wight
Bishop Christopher has approved the creation of the new
Deanery of the Isle of Wight. He is inviting anyone who would like to go to the inauguration event at 7.00pm on Wednesday 20th January 2016 at Cowes Yacht Haven.
If you would like to go please let the PCC secretaries know - John Cheverton for St Peter's and Caroline Pugh for St Helen's. Numbers are required by 23rd December.
Recent Fundraising Events
Thank you to everyone who supported recent fundraising events for our churches in any way. The results are:-
St Peters Coffee Morning 5th Dec £515.00
Concert in St Peter's Church 12th Dec £450.00
St Helen's Coffee Morning 12th Dec £500.00
A further £100.00 raised from coffee after Church at St Peter's
Carol Services
Sunday 20th December Service of Nine Lessons & Carols in St Peter's Church at 10.00am
Tuesday 22nd December Service of Nine Lessons & Carols in St Helen's Church at 6.00pm
Saturday 9th January St Helen's Church Coffee Morning in the Community Centre 10.00am - 11.30am
A very peaceful and holy Christmas to you all