2nd October 2022
The Haven Benefice of Seaview, St Helen’s, Brading & YaverlandWelcome to our Spiritual Harbour for All2nd October 2022 - 16th after Trinity |
Sunday ServicesSun 2nd October Sun 9th October |
Midweek ServicesTue 4th October Wed 5th October |
What's OnAdvent CourseWe will be starting an Advent Course based on the book How Rural Churches Thrive which is available on line at £9.99. This is an easy to read and practical book that is applicable to all churches in our Haven Benefice, providing encouragement and challenging us as we prepare for our future as a Benefice. It will run each Wednesday evening in Brading Church Hall between 6pm and 7.30pm starting on Wednesday 9th November. Sandown and Shanklin Military BandSandown and Shanklin Military Band will be playing at St Mary's on Sunday 16th October at 3pm. |
Church Bulletins |
ContactsOur Haven benefice is in Interregnum and we pray for our churchwardens, reader and associate priest whom we rely upon to continue to serve our parishes whilst we pray for a new priest to be appointed. |
Do you get a copy of ‘What’s On’, the magazine for news and events in Brading, Nettlestone, St Helens, Seaview and Yaverland? If not, why not try a copy as the October issue is now available, price 60p, from the back of this church. If you live in the benefice you can, for a modest charge, receive the magazine every month delivered to your door - see page 2 of this month’s edition for details. St. Peter’s Church: Thank you to all the flower arrangers for making the church look so beautiful for our Harvest Festival. Brading Bellringers would like to thank everyone who supported their Cream Tea event which raised a total of £202.00. Brading Bellringers are holding a Quiz night on Saturday 8th October starting at 6.30 pm in Brading Church Hall. Everyone is welcome.
Quiz Night St Maly’s church hall starting at 7.00pm on 4th November. Brading Community Choir is making a return visit on 5th November to sing at our Saturday morning Open Cafe. We will be serving teas, coffee and, more importantly, cakes!!! We will be there from 10.30am until 1.00pm - please make a date in your diary. |
Deadline for items to be included in the Pew Sheets is 4pm on Thursday to allow for compilation, printing and distribution. |