Benefice of Seaview, St Helens, Brading & Yaverland
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Seaview, St Helens, Brading & Yaverland

Providing a Spiritual Harbour for ALL
Sunday 24th March 2024

Upcoming Worship

Sunday 24th March 2024 - Palm Sunday
St Helen's9.30am Sung Eucharist
St John's11.00am Sung Eucharist
St Peter's11.15am Litany of Palms with Passion drama
St Helen's3.30pm Eco Church

Wednesday 27th March 2024
St Mary's10.00am Morning Reflection

Thursday 28th March 2024 - Maundy Thursday
Portsmouth11.00am Chrism Eucharist
St Peter's6.00pm Holy Communion
with Foot Washing

Friday 29th March 2024 - Good Friday
St Helen's12.00noon - 2.00pm Contemplative Prayer
St Mary's2.00pm The Last Hour
St Peter's6.00pm The Way of the Cross

Saturday 30th March 2024
St Mary's2.00pm Free Family Easter Activities

Sunday 31st March 2024 - Easter Day (NB Clocks move forward)
Old Church,6,00am (BST) Easter Sunrise
St Helen's Duverservice
St Mary's8.00am Breakfast
St Mary's9.30am Sung Eucharist
St Helen's9.30am Sung Eucharist
St Peter's10.00am Family Service
St John's11.00am Sung Eucharist
St Peter's11.15am Sung Eucharist

Tuesday 2nd April 2024
St Catherine's10.00am Morning Worship

Sunday 7th April 2024
St Mary's9.30am Sung Eucharist with Baptism
St Peter's11.15am Sung Eucharist
St Catherine's6.00pm Evening Worship

Wednesday 10th April
St Mary's10.00am Morning Reflection

Saturday 13th April 2024
St Helen'sBaptism

Sunday 14th April 2024
St Helen's9.30am Sung Eucharist
St John's11.00am Sung Eucharist
St Peter's11.15am Matins


During the Interregnum the primary points of contact for enquiries are:
Haven Benefice
Sally Rivlin on 07789 554220
St Helens (including St Catherine's)
Sue Whitewck on 01983 568761
St Peter’s Seaview or Pastoral Visiting
or Seaview and St Helens Mothers' Union or Safeguarding

Sylvia Beardsmore on 01983 612600
St Mary’s Brading
Nigel Elton Walters on 01983 406817
St John’s Yaverland
Kevin Norton on 07951 407423

St Helen's Eco Church meets this afternoon (Sunday 24th March) to tidy up the labyrinth and pond. We start with worship at 3.30pm and end with a shared meal. You are very welcome - especially if you haven't been before.

Wednesday 27th March is your last chance to enjoy a soup lunch for Lent in St Peter’s Undercroft between 12.30pm and 2.00pm. All welcome.

Palm Sunday at St Peter’s will start at 11.15am with the Litany of Palms. This will be followed by a dramatic presentation of Mark’s Passion story directed by Graham Pountney. All welcome.

There are Stations of the Cross set up in St Mary’s church Brading. Each station is an invitation for a personal encounter with Jesus, as you journey with him to the cross. This is your encounter so do it your way. The church is open during the day.

There is a benefice service of Holy Communion with Foot washing on Maundy Thursday at 6.00pm in St Peter’s Seaview. Do join us for this poignant service if you can (see your churchwarden if you need or can offer a lift).

On Good Friday we have contemplative prayer in St Helen’s from 12.00noon - 2.00pm and the Last Hour service at St Mary’s from 2;00pm - 3.00pm, plus the Way of the Cross at St Peter’s at 6.00pm. Everyone is welcome to come along to any or all of these.

The Free Family Easter activities on Easter Saturday at St Mary’s include an egg hunt, craft, quiz, building Easter gardens and hearing the Easter story. All families are welcome.

Please see Nigel if you would like to Join us for breakfast (bacon rolls) at 8.00am in St Mary’s on Easter morning so that he has numbers for catering.

APCMs: It is nearly time for our annual Meetings once again where we elect Church wardens, PCC members and Deanery Synod reps. Please do consider whether you could be called to serve in any of these really important positions so that a new incumbent can see how committed we all are. There will be nomination forms in each of the churches after Easter. The dates are St John's 27th March, St Helens 14th April at 11.00am, Seaview 21st April at 10.00am and Brading 21st April at 10.30am.

Date for your diary - The Bishop of Portsmouth, The Rt Revd Jonathan Frost is visiting the Haven Benefice on Sunday 28th April for the Sung Eucharist at 10.00am at St Helen's followed by a buffet lunch.

Do check out and like our new Facebook page: Haven Churches IOW for all our most up to date news.

To add items to this News Sheet please contact Rev Bevaly Rackett (01983 407432) revbevrackett(at)gmail(dot)com.

Pew News 17 March 2024

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