Benefice of Seaview, St Helens, Brading & Yaverland
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Seaview, St Helens, Brading & Yaverland

Providing a Spiritual Harbour for ALL
Sunday 28th July 2024

Upcoming Worship

Saturday 27th July 2024
St Peter's2.30pm Marriage of William Tripp
with Harriet Parker

Sunday 28th July 2024
St Helen's9.30am Sung Eucharist
St John's11.00am Sung Eucharist
St Peter's11.15am Mattins
St Helen's3.30pm Eco Church

Wednesday 31st July 2024
St Mary's10.00am Morning Worship

Sunday 4th August 2024
St Mary's9.30am Sung Eucharist
St Peter's11.15am Sung Eucharist

Wednesday 7th August 2024
St Mary's10.00am Morning Worship

Thursday 8th August 2024
St Peter's10.00am Agape

Sunday 11th August 2024
St Helen's9.30am Sung Eucharist
St John's11.00am Sung Eucharist
St Peter's11.15am Family Service

Wednesday 14th August 2024
St Mary's10.00am Morning Worship

Sunday 18th August 2024
St Mary's9.30am Sung Eucharist
St Peter's11.15am Sung Eucharist

Wednesday 21st August 2024
St Mary's10.00am Morning Worship

Sunday 25th August 2024
St Helen's9.30am Sung Eucharist
St John's11.00am Sung Eucharist
St Peter's11.15am Songs of Praise

Wednesday 28th August 2024
St Mary's10.00am Morning Worship

For enquiries during the Interregnum please contact:
Haven Benefice
Sally Rivlin on 07789 554220
St Helens (including St Catherine's)
Sue Whitewck on 01983 568761
St Peter’s Seaview or Safeguarding
Sylvia Beardsmore on 01983 612600
St Mary’s Brading
Nigel Elton Walters on 01983 406817
St Mary's Safeguarding
Catherine Davis on 07940 826034
St John’s Yaverland
Andrew Watt on 07488 391691
Curate at Haven Benefice
Rev Bevaly Rackett on 01983 407432

Together in Prayer meets on Zoom each Thursday from 6.30pm for half an hour. See Rev Bevaly for details or prayer requests.

Brading Bells Teddy Bear Parachute Jump and Zip Wire: Saturday 27th July 2.00-4.00pm, Brading Belltower. £2 each or £3 for both. Prizes for the fasted and slowest bears. Certificates for all (soft non-bears welcome). All must be accompanied by an adult. Light Refreshments available. Is your bear brave enough?

St Helens Eco Church meets this afternoon at 3.30pm at the church, ending with our usual bring and share tea. Whether you attend regularly, occasionally, or this would be your first time, you will be most welcome.

Worship at St Catherine’s chapel is taking a break over the summer but we look forward to welcoming you all back in September.

Join us for an Afternoon Cream (or Savoury) Tea and Summer Hat competition in St Mary’s Church Hall from 2.00pm on Sunday 28th July. Fresh Scones will be on offer along with Farmer Ralph, Brading Community Choir, cakes, a tombola and raffle plus other stalls and games. There are prizes for the best decorated hats and free parking in the Old School Café (Youth club) just over the road.

The Seaview church and community fete is on Saturday 10th August on the Seaview football field. The Mothers’ Union will be running its tombola stall and needs bottles and other suitable prizes. Good quality bric-a-brac is also wanted for the very popular white elephant stall. Items can be left in the church porch.

Come and help us make a scarecrow for the Brading Town Scarecrow competition on Monday 12th August at 1.00pm in St Mary’s church, Brading. Families welcome.Donations of newspaper or straw to stuff him also appreciated.

A reminder that the paintings, drawings and photographs of Yaverland Manor will be displayed in St John’s church on 14th - 15th September and will judged by the PCC and Manor owners. The winning picture will be given to Yaverland Manor and all other entries sold to raise funds for the disabled toilet and access ramp.

Advance notice: St John's, Yaverland are having a sung Evensong Service with a choir on Sunday 22nd September starting at 5.00pm. All are welcome.

Date for your diary: Rev Bevaly will be ordained as a Priest (rather than a Deacon) on Saturday 28th Sept in Portsmouth Cathedral at 11.00am. All are welcome.

You will all be thrilled to know that the recent interviews went very well and that an appointment has been made subject to DBS check and final references being followed up. Although no names can yet be announced do please pray for the new incumbent as preparations are made. These things take time so do please be patient. Many thanks to our reps for all their time in preparation, welcoming the candidates, showing them the area (despite many road closures!) and for interviewing them.

Do check out and like our new Facebook page: Haven Churches IOW for all our most up to date news.

To add items to this News Sheet please contact Rev Bevaly Rackett (01983 407432) revbevrackett(at)gmail(dot)com.

Pew News 21 July 2024

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