Benefice of Seaview, St Helens, Brading & Yaverland
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St Helens with Seaview

Pew News

The website:

Sunday 14th February First Sunday of Lent
8.00am Holy Communion St Peter
10.00am Family Sung Eucharist St Helen

Wednesday 17th February
9.30am Village Communion St Catherine

Thursday 18th February
10.30am Village Communion St Peter

Sunday 21st February
8.00am Holy Communion St Helen
10.00am Sung Eucharist St Peter
10.00am Children's Church St Peter
6.00pm Evening Praise St Catherine
As Rob has been asked to take the service at St Paul's Barton on this Sunday the 8.00am service at St Helen's will be taken by the Revd Michael Taylor and the 10.00am at St Peter's by the Revd David Marrow.

Morning Prayer
The office of Morning Prayer, led by the Revd Robert Wynford-Harris, will be said in the Churches as follows:-
Mon. St Helen's 9.30am
Tues. St Peter's 9.30am
Wed. St Helen's 8.00am
Thurs. St Peter's 9.30am
Anyone is very welcome to join Rob at these services.

Sunday 21st February Second Sunday of Lent
Genesis 15. 1-12,17-18
Philippians 3. 17 - 4.1
Luke 13. 31-end
The duty rota is displayed on the notice board at both churches. If you are unable to fulfil the scheduled task please swap with another and please inform Sylvia Beardsmore for Seaview and Rose Gillett for St Helen's.


Worldwide Anglican Church:
Pray for Archbishop Justin Welby and the people of the Anglican Church of the Province of Central Africa
This Diocese: Pray for Bishop Christopher; Archdeacon Peter; Rob, our Priest-in-Charge; The parish of Christchurch & St John Sandown
World: Pray for those who live in fear because of their faith
Island: Pray for the homeless, the hungry and the food banks
Sick: Peggy, Terry, Anne, Penelope, Violet
Recently Died: Joyce Vidler, Alan Coombes, John Barnes

All who suffer as a result of natural disasters, or as a result of acts of terrorism, violence or armed conflict.
Our armed forces and their families.

Mothers' Union Prayers
In this season of Lent, may we be willing to walk with you to the cross, accepting the challenges that come from being a disciple of Christ. Make us ready to do your will and give us your grace, that our lives may reflect your love with joyful obedience.

Diary Dates
Feb 15th 10.30am Bible Study

Pompey Chimes
Don't forget to pick up a copy, or click here.

Pew Leaflets
Items for the pew leaflet to Sue Whitewick by Wednesday 5.00pm latest, please, preferably by e-mail susanwhitewick(at)btinternet(dot)com.

Evening Praise
These services are held at 6.00pm on the third Sunday of every month in St Catherine's Chapel, consisting of hymns, readings and a short address. Everyone is very welcome to attend.

Parish Giving Scheme
It is becoming clear that not many of our regular donors have changed to the new Parish Giving Scheme. Every regular donor has received the pack explaining what this is all about, and we urge you to think seriously about doing so. The form is very easy to fill in and will only take five minutes.

Flower Arrangers
Jane Clarke would be very pleased to hear from anybody who would like to join those who help to do flower arrangements in St Helen's Church.

Street Pastors
We are very interested to hear from anyone who would like to volunteer as a Street, Prayer or School Pastor. There are also other opportunities to get involved. Contact Dan [School Pastors] 07428 299866, or Denise [Street Pastors] 07545 242782.
Administrator karen(at)iowstreetpastors(dot)org(dot)uk, or via the website

Cashiers for St Helen's Church
If anyone would be interested in helping with counting the money and banking it on a fortnightly basis, one month in four, thus joining the three people who already help in this way, please have a word with Sue.

Will all those who usually give a written report for the APCM booklets please let me have them by 29th February either on a memory stick or by e-mail. Sue

St Peter's Church Gardening
St Peter's Church gardening will take place on the first Wednesday of every month from 9.30am. You are very welcome to join this happy group.

Lent Groups
Confronting the Cross Led by the Vicar at the Vicarage from 24th February for four weeks 11.00am -1.00pm.
Lent Course Sylvia's Bible Study House Group will continue to meet every Monday at 10.30am. On Monday 15th February we will be starting the Archdeacon's Lent Course. Anyone is welcome and each session stands alone so attendance can be regular or occasional.
Creative Lent Course Explore the gifts God has given you while 'Journeying with Christ' through Lent - Led by Lynn New. This reflective and recreational course will suit all who enjoy art, craft, and the written word. Tuesdays 16th February - 15th March 10.00am - 12noon in St Peter's Church Hall. £2.00 a session to cover hall hire refreshments and materials. Please ring Lynn to book a place.

Sip our Soup lunch Friday 19th February in St Peter's Hall. Tickets available from Bookworm, Pier Road. Selection of soups, cheeses, breads and fruit, plus coffee.

Pew News 7 February 2016

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