Benefice of Seaview, St Helens, Brading & Yaverland
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St Helens with Seaview

Pew News

The website:

Sunday 17th April Fourth Sunday of Easter
8.00am Holy Communion St Helen
10.00am Sung Eucharist St Peter
10.00am Children's Church St Peter
6.00pm Evening Praise St Catherine

Wednesday 20th April
9.30am Village Communion St Catherine

Thursday 21st April
10.30am Village Communion St Peter

Sunday 24th April Fifth Sunday of Easter
8.00am Holy Communion St Peter
6.00pm Sung Eucharist St Helen
NB This latter service is instead of one at 10.00am to facilitate the last day of St Helen's Flower Festival (details below or click here). It will be preceded by tea in the Church from 4.00pm followed, at 4.30pm, by St Helen's Annual Parochial Church Meeting.

Morning Prayer
The office of Morning Prayer will be said in the Churches as follows:-
Mon. St Helen's 9.30am
Tues. St Peter's 9.30am
Wed. St Helen's 8.00am
Thurs. St Peter's 9.30am
All are welcome at these services.

24th April Fifth Sunday of Easter
Acts 11. 1-18
Revelation 21. 1-6
John 13. 31-35
The duty rota is displayed on the notice board at both churches. If you are unable to fulfil the scheduled task please swap with another and please inform Sylvia Beardsmore for Seaview and Rose Gillett for St Helen's.


Worldwide Anglican Church:
Pray for Archbishop Justin Welby; The Nippon Sei Ko Kai (The Anglican Communion in Japan)
This Diocese: Pray for Bishop Christopher; Archdeacon Peter; Rob, our Priest-in-Charge; the Parish of Holy Trinity, Bembridge
World: Pray for the parts of the world where there is terrorism
Island: Pray for all school children and college students
Sick: Peggy, Terry, Anne, Hilda
Recently Died : John Whitefield, Joan Fountaine

All who suffer as a result of natural disasters, or as a result of acts of terrorism, violence or armed conflict.
Our armed forces and their families.

Mothers' Union Prayers
Father, we long for justice and fair shares for all in a world where the few have so much, and the many have so little. Show us how we can speak out and act to help those who are struggling, and whose prospects are bleak.

Diary Dates
Apr 18th 10.30am Bible Study
Apr 22nd - 24th 10.00am - 4.00pm daily St Helen's Flower Festival
Apr 23rd 7.00pm St Helen's Church Choir Concert
Apr 28th 7.30pm pm Book Club For more information contact Theresa

Pompey Chimes
Don't forget to pick up a copy, or click here.

Pew Leaflets
Items for the pew leaflet to Sue Whitewick by Wednesday 5.00pm latest, please, preferably by e-mail susanwhitewick(at)btinternet(dot)com.

Electoral Rolls
If you are not on the Electoral Roll for either Church and would like to be, you will find the forms at the back of the Churches. Please hand to Sue when completed. The roll will be closed on 15th April for St Peter's and 19th April for St Helen's but each will re-open after the respective APCM.

St Peter's

The Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday 17th Aprill at 11.30am after the Eucharist service.

St Helen's
Please note
that there will be no 10.00am Sung Eucharist at St Helen's Church on 24th April. Instead it will be held at 6.00pm, preceeded by the APCM at 4.30pm.

It is hoped that as many of you as possible will attend these meetings.
Nominations for both Churches are required as follows:-
Two Churchwardens, Sidespersons, PCC Members, Chalice Assistants.
Nomination forms are available from the PCC secretaries, John Cheverton and Caroline Pugh.

Bottles Needed
To raise funds for St Helen's Church, Rose Gillett and John Kerslake will be holding a bottle tombola stall at the Seaview May Fayre on Monday 2nd May. Donations of in-date full bottles of any description would be gratefully appreciated. This is one of the main fundraising events for St Helen's Church - please give generously. Thanks in anticipation.

John Whitefield
There will be a memorial service to commemorate the life of John Whitefield in St Peter's Church on Tuesday 19th April at 3.00pm.

St Helen's Church Repairs
Urgent and necessary repairs to St Helen's Church and the perimeter wall have recently been undertaken at a cost of £5,500.00. If you feel you would like to donate to the cost of this the treasurer will be very happy to receive contributions. We are most grateful to the donors who have already responded.

Flower Festivals
There will be a flower festival in St Helen's Church on 22nd, 23rd and 24th April 10.00am - 4.00pm. There will be a raffle, a cake stall and refreshments will be available. All proceeds to go to St Helen's Church Fabric Fund. Please give generously.
On Saturday evening 23rd April beginning at 7.00pm there will be a concert led by St Helens & Seaview Church Choir with a retiring collection for the Church fabric fund.

The St. Peter's Flower Festival will be held over the week-end of April 30th, May 1st & 2nd. It will be open from 10.00am until 4.00pm and two stewards on a one or two hour basis will be required during this time. A list is in the porch for you to sign up your availability. Tea & coffee will be available throughout in the Church on Saturday & Sunday. On Bank Holiday Monday tea & coffee will be available in the Church Hall from 10.00am and lunches from 12.00noon in aid of the Mothers' Union.

If there is anyone who would be willing to help count and bank the money collected at the Sunday services please have a word with Sue.

Pew News 10 April 2016

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